Parkhotel Rotterdam

Route & Contact

Route & Contact


Bilderberg Parkhotel Rotterdam
Westersingel 70, 3015 LB Rotterdam



You can park on our paid car park, subject to availability. The rate is €19.50 per day. The car park is monitored 24/7.

Road constructions None

Due to road constructions the Rochussenstraat will – in both directions - between ‘s-Gravendijkwal (S100) and Museumpark / Westersingel be closed from May 17th 2016. These constructions will take place until the end of June 2017. We advise an alternative route towards Centraal Station, Weena (do not enter the tunnel) –keep driving up along the right lane –, turn right across the station, Kruisplein and subsequently straight on towards Westersingel.

View the Bilderberg Parkhotel on the map

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